How to Recalculate Equipment Schedules

In this Tip Tuesday, we'll leverage a custom event to update the frequency and interval for one or multiple pieces of equipment in


Today, we’ll dive into a method for efficiently changing the frequency and interval for multiple pieces of equipment at once. Many people have used the global equipment change feature, but this doesn’t recalculate due dates.

A more effective approach is to create a custom event. This event allows you to modify the frequency and interval while preserving the last performed date.

To set up this event:

  1. Create a New Event:

    • Navigate to your workflow config and create a new event.
    • In the field settings, include fields for the employee performing the change, the date of the change, and the new frequency and interval.
    • For the event tab, configure it to allow multiple equipment selections and combine the steps for simplicity.
    • Under miscellaneous, set the user-defined field for the interval to select from an event list.
    • In the event list, add options for days, months, weeks, and years.
  2. Configure the Schedule Update Rule:

    • In the status changes step, add a schedule update rule.
    • Set the rule to apply to calibration schedules and use the system-wide due date options.
    • Importantly, select "Calculate the schedule from the last scheduled date" to maintain the original schedule history.
  3. Perform the Event:

    • Launch the "Recalculate Schedule" event.
    • Select the equipment you want to modify.
    • The new frequency and interval should be updated.
    • Complete the event.

You'll notice that the frequency and interval are updated, and the due date is recalculated based on the last scheduled date. This ensures a seamless and accurate adjustment to your equipment schedules.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our support team.

Thanks, and have a great day!